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  • Kalender 24

Have you recently moved to Norway?

NOPA is a part of “ECSA welcome hubs”, and we want to increase international exchange among our members. Composers and songwriters visiting Norway for a longer period of time, or who have recently moved to Norway, are welcome to join our network. Read more about how NOPA can help you out!


Would you like to become a member of NOPA?

To become a member of NOPA you need to have income from copyright-related activities.

Do you want to become a member? Read more about our membership criteria and find a member application form here.

If you have further questions about NOPA’s activities or wish to talk to us, please feel free to contact us on post@nopa.no or call us at +47 224 73 000.

About us

NOPA, the Norwegian Society of Composers and Lyricists, is a society for persons who hold copyrights to music, lyrics and other texts in musical works. The object of the society is to promote Norwegian creative music, musical works and lyrics and other texts in musical works, strengthen professional cooperation, create meeting places and work for the members’ artistic and financial interests.

From NOPA’s Articles of Association, Article 1.

The financial situation for composers of popular music has changed dramatically the past decade. This new landscape requires legislation, grant schemes, negotiations with and constant follow-up on commercial music services as well as a continuous dialogue with radio and TV channels.

NOPA focuses its efforts and resources on these political aspects related to the music industry. The objective is to improve conditions for all composers and lyricists. Meetings, formal and informal talks, feature articles, consultation, opinions and cooperation with other organisations form the core of the society’s cultural policy work.

Copyright and European cooperation

NOPA supports a number of external organisations and measures aimed at improving conditions for creators of musical works in Norway and the rest of the world. We work closely with our European umbrella organisation ECSA (European Composer and Songwriter Alliance), which lobbies intensively to protect copyrights in Europe. Furthermore, we provide legal consultancy services for members and participate in oral and written hearings, consultations and debates on copyrights.

Songwriter projects

NOPA provides incentives for creative processes by disbursing grants for songwriter projects in Norway and abroad. This benefits NOPA’s members as well as composers and lyricists in the field of popular music in general.

Work project dwellings

NOPA has three work project apartments: in Berlin, Vence (France) and London. The apartment in Berlin can be used by all popular music composers and lyricists in Norway. The purpose of the apartments is to offer an opportunity for immersion and concentration, networking and a place to stay while on work-related trips or the like.

International projects

NOPA is currently partner in different international projects in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal and Lithuania. The projects are funded by EEA-grants.

The EEA and Norway Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to reducing economic and social disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics.

NOPA are continuously looking for «cultural experts» such as composers/songwriters/lyricists/artists to participate in these projects. The purpose of these projects is to provide with international experiences such as residency, commissioned work, workshops and concerts. The projects will cover travel costs, stay and working fee for the participants by NOPA.

The first of these projects to emerge is in Slovakia. Foto: QQ7

The projects in Slovakia and Czech Republic are currently ongoing, and further announcements will be made.

Read more about the project in Czech Republic

Read more about the project in Slokavia

Get in touch with NOPA-advisor Åsmund Prytz by telephone +47 97184013 or by e-mail prytzas@gmail.com. He can provide further information.