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Søk om å spille konsert i Romania våren 2023
NOPA er partner i EØS-prosjektet Music Gallery i Romania. Prosjektet lyser nå ut fire muligheter for band/artister til å spille konsert i Romania våren 2023.
Deltagere i prosjektet skal spille konsert og holde en masterclass. Deltagelse er åpen for både NOPA-medlemmer og tilknytta. Mer info om prosjektet på engelsk nedenfor:
Music Gallery would like to invite four Norway Jazz bands/artists to perform a concert & a masterclass in Romania, during the Music Gallery Project, between 20th of March and 10th of June 2023.
Fees for artists
Each band will be offered a sum of approx. 4.000 EUR (depending on the number of people travelling), which includes fee and flight costs. Meals, accomodation, drinks, backline, local transportation and other needs will be covered by the organizer.
What do the artists/bands need to do:
- perform a live concert, 60 min, for a crowd of 150-200 people
- perform a masterclass (no specifics) for 10-15 musicians.
Venue and dates:
- Two of the artists/bands will travel and perform in Cluj-Napoca. Here, they will perform at the local Art Museum. Artists may choose any date between 20th of March and 25th of April – but weekends are preferred.
- 2 of the artists/bands will travel and perform in Lași, between the 10th of May and 10th of June. Here, they will perform at the Braunstein Palace (serves as a local art gallery). Artists may choose any date between 10th of May and 10th of June – but weekends are preferred.
About Music Gallery
MG is a new way to present and talk about music. MG will have two main components: a lesson about Jazz’s history and origins and a lesson about HOW to listen, perform and enjoy music, in terms of instruments, equipment and other specifics.
Prosjektet Music Gallery drives av de samme arrangørene som driver den svært anerkjente festivalen Jazz in the Park, https://www.jazzinthepark.ro/ – deltagelse i prosjektet kan gi mulighet for å spille på også denne festivalen ved et senere tidspunkt.
Frist for å søke er 16. februar
NOPAs arbeid med internasjonale prosjekt er støttet av Viken Fylkeskommune.