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Ennio Morricone får filmmusikkpris
Ennio Morricone har fått tildelt prisen Camille Award for Lifetime Achievement, som deles ut av NOPAs europeiske paraplyorganisasjon, ECSA (The European Composer and Songwriter Alliance). Morricone har laget scoremusikken til over 400 filmer og TV-program, som blant annet den legendariske The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Camille-prisen gis til audiovisuelle verk som har utmerket seg. Det er ECSAs komité for AV-musikk som er jury for prisen. I komiteen sitter blant annet NOPA-medlem og filmkomponist Bent Åserud.
– Vi takker Morricone for den fantastiske musikken han har gitt oss, og for at han er en inspirasjon for fremtidige generasjoner av musikkskapere, sier Alfons Karabuda, styreleder i ECSA.
Prisutdelingen fant sted 3. februar i Brussel på Theatre du Vaudeville, hvor flere av NOPAs representanter var til stede.
Les pressemeldingen fra ECSA her:
“In making this special lifetime achievement award, ECSA celebrates and recognises Maestro Ennio Morricone’s outstanding career and a body of work that has had a profound influence on the world of film music. The award acknowledges not only the maestro’s remarkable output across a wide range of musical genres, but also his unstinting efforts in defending and promoting authors’ rights.
The Camille Awards have achieved considerable fame over the years and they provide an excellent opportunity for film music composers to be recognised for their work, with more than fifteen composers being already rewarded with this prize. This year’s award ceremony will be held in the evening of February 3rd after the Creators Conference 2020. During the award ceremony, Gilda Buttà (piano), Luca Pincini (cello) and Paolo Zampini (flute), three acclaimed soloists that have been working with the Maestro, will play Ennio Morricone’s most prominent themes and melodies.
ECSA travelled to Rome, Italy to personally hand the composer the Award as he has been unable to travel. As he was accepting the award, the Maestro thanked ECSA’s community of creators and reminded everyone how “composing film music is difficult because it can be right in so many different ways”. ECSA’s heartfelt thanks go to Maestro Morricone, both for the wonderful music he has given us and for being an inspiration for future generations of creators.”